It was just another ordinary car ride back home from lunch. The traffic was smooth, the five of us (my family members) were chatting casually and the radio was playing this song which I immediately fell in love with. I asked daddy who is the singer of that wonderful song and as soon as I got home, I looked for the CD, took a brand new exercise book and copied the song lyrics. I re-played the song for umpteen times and had my own sing-along session. That was fifteen years ago and that song is
You Are Not Alone by Michael Jackson.
I am sure no matter how old or how young you are, how much you hate or love this guy, we had our Michael Jackson moments. As time goes by and with the emergence of boy bands, I grew out of
You are not alone and Michael Jackson. I could not be bothered with news and rumours of Mr. Jackson, I did not care one bit when he was accused of child molest or when he announced his comeback concert, until I heard that he has passed away. It was simply shocking!
Many television channels paid tribute to Michael Jackson by airing a compilation of his 'rise and shine', his concerts, his music videos as well as his not-so-glamorous moments. So it is real, not a prank, not April fool (obviously because it's already June. Duh!). I was glued to the tv to catch updates on what actually causes his death etc.
When he was young and at his peak, he produced amazing music that moves and touches people's heart, no matter what colour their skins or what languages they speak. He did amazing dance moves (especially moonwalk) which no one can perfectly impersonate to date and he made story-like music videos which was an evolution to the music industry. His concerts are always full house and without fail, a couple or more of his fans will faint during his concert. He was labelled the King of Pop and he was honoured for his anti-apartheid acts.
However, his fame deteriorated when he was accused of child molest and when people took too much interest on how he spent his hard-earned money (he splurged on toys and antiques as well as his Neverland Ranch). His obsession with plastic surgery did not help too. Soon, he was entangled in legal issues and was in great debts.
Honestly, i think that he is weird with his over-done plastic surgery and his freaky behaviour of dangling his baby over the balcony. But I am thinking otherwise now after hours and hours of MJ's life story. Here goes why :
- he did not have a pleasant childhood, therefore he is making up for it by shopping for toys and building Neverland Ranch. It's his hobby and it's his money. Why do people have to comment on how he spends his money and what he buys?
- child molest. MJ is so nice to open up his Neverland to local children and when you have an opportunity to be so up close with someone so famous and rich, will you not be tempted to extort his money? Everyone knows he loves children very much, are some people being too overly-sensitive when he hugs or kisses a child?
- plastic surgery. Yes, his new look is a bit scary and ape-like but hey, it's his face and his skin colour and his life. As long as he produces good music, he is a great musician, so why bother about how he looks? By the way, some sources claim that the whitening of MJ's skin is not due to plastic surgery but because he suffered from vitiligo.
Rest in Peace Michael Jackson ! No matter how much people out there hate or love you, it is a fact that you have created history !