He was here last Sunday for the Georgetown Ball, an event of fine dining with great music by the Italian crooner himself. Very soon, mummy ask me to attend the event with her. Did not know she is a fan of Patrizio but anyway, I treated her this as a birthday gift. We opt for the concert only tickets because the concert with dinner cost RM1,000 and above (gasp!).
It was held at a posh hotel, we get a complimentary wine with each ticket and there are lots of expatriate involved (I thought), so we dressed ourselves to the nines for this concert. It's better to be over-dressed than under-dressed, right? Plus, remember the name of the event? It's a ball, it will be grand.
When we reached there, I was not feeling very at ease because most of the ladies are dressed in evening gowns (so formal). But soon I knew that they were dressed that way because they were there for the dinner too, so I began to relax a little.
When we walking up the stairs, towards the entrance of the ballroom, I bumped into the Chief Minister of Penang. But this being a classy event and we were all dressed as Cinderella and trying to be sophisticated, I did not ask to be photographed with him. I am not crazy over him but how often do you bump into some big shots without any security pushing you away?
Once we entered the ballroom, we were directed to our balcony seat. It's a ball, so the seatings are not stadium style. There are tables downstairs for the dinner and we the concert-goers are placed at the balcony. Each balcony can only seat 10 people, so we felt very exclusive and important. Very Phantom of The Opera, I would say.
We waited quite a while before the show started. A live band complete with a grand piano accompanied Patrizio throughout the concert. Patrizio warmed us up with a fast Italian number and charmed us next with 'Fly Me To The Moon' accompanied by the grand piano only. It was amazing and he totally sweep my feet off the ground. He is not particularly handsome, I thought that he looks a bit old for his age but his vocal prowess is superb. He is a very humorous guy which makes him a great entertainer, and did I mention that I love his accent?
Then he did some fast songs, in a mixture of English and Italian which gets the audience dancing on their feet. He is a good dancer himself. Nope, not hip-hop but those charming booty shaking (male version of Shakira but in a macho way).
What he did next makes him totally deserve to be branded the Italian crooner. He went down to the audience, shook the gentlemen' hand and kissed the ladies on their hand. Then he picked one lucky lady to dance with him, a slow dance. After that, he took the stage with his guitar talent. Very soon, it was the end of the concert and everybody was very reluctant to leave but there is an end to everything, and we all went home with this amazing experience.
That night when I went home and for the next few days, his voice was stucked in my mind. He is a real charmer though not extremely handsome. I admit that I was totally swept off my feet by him and now I understand why mum is his fan (though not the screaming teenager type). Oh, and did I also mention that he waved and smiled to me? That totally made my day and my whole forthcoming week.