This street features the lifestyle and things used by our fore-fathers in the olden days.

There were actors and actresses along the street playing the roles of traders selling cakes, biscuits and sugar canes. A group of young men acting as labourers were the 'stars' of the street. We can actually purchase the food on sale but we have to change our money to the olden days currency for our purchases.

The following pictures are my personal favourite. These bunch of young people were assigned to dress in 1960s outfit and every single one of them obliged to be photographed. They made the whole event so much more interesting.

Penang is one of the first state in Malaysia that is actively supporting the reduce, reuse and recycle campaign. Therefore, there was a mini reminder to encourage its people to practice the three R.

As we proceed to the next few streets, there were more stuff to check out:-

Bananas anyone?

Remember I mentioned about the huge crowd earlier? Check it out yourself. Some girls were assigned to 'give out' red packets with non-monetary contents from a balcony and the crowd went wild and crazy because of this. Kiasu-ism perhaps??

Any highlight of the night was the street of marriage. It features the holy matrimony of different races and cultures.

That's it! I have to seriously sign off this very moment because it's already 3am and I have a 9 to 5 job to attend to tomorrow...