Blogging has become a weekly thing for me. Actually, this week I have nothing much to blog about but I simply can't resist to post an entry. I love writing and essay writing had been one of my favourite at high school. This weekend was very carefree and relaxing and also lazy. I did not meet up with any of my friends, I spent my time at home, cuddling my 'best dog on earth' while watching some over-dramatic soap opera. A while ago, I was reading my past entries and realised that I had quite a number of grammar mistakes in my past entries. Well, I am going to leave it as it is because sometimes in life, there are no take two. Although we can edit our entries as many times as we want (thank you blogspot) but I prefer to not change it. I want to learn to do things right the first time and to make the right decision.
I accompanied my paternal grandmother to visit her friend last night after dinner. This lady is a widow with no children of her own but she is really rich. When I entered her house, I can feel the quietness and loneliness in her nicely-decorated house. I used to think that if you can't find the right one, then don't get married or if you are married and realise later than he/she is not the right one, then get a divorce. I also think that if you have a steady career that pays well, you have no fear staying single. I thought that if you are really nice and friendly, you will have friends to accompany you at the later stage of your life. You might even have nieces and nephews that will take good care of you.
But that very moment I entered that rich lady's house, my perception change. I realise that sometimes in life, it is not really about finding the one but about how you work things out. When married couples argue, divorce should be the very last solution. You can keep a cat or dog, they are great companion and will be really loyal to you but what if you need someone to talk to? Well, you can talk to your relatives or friends. Yes, you can but they can't be with you all the time and they might not be there when you are down. At the end of the day, they have to return to their life and you will be all alone.
Money is not everything. Perhaps we should slow down (our hectic schedule in a dog eat dog world) and learn to care and love. Climbing the corporate ladder is important but when you are old and retired, love and companionship is what you need. Money can't buy love but with love, you can find money.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The blogging bug bit me! I am suppose to be in dreamland now because I have an outing tomorrow but here I am posting an entry. This is going to be a real random post and I am going to show off my photography skills in this post. So what if I have no talent in photography, I am still proud of what I manage to snap using my handphone's camera.
Anyway, the pictures below are taken in a Peranakan (aka Baba Nyonya) mansion in Penang. Don't know what is Peranakan and Baba Nyonya? Do google to find out if you are interested. If you are too lazy to read about it, maybe you can watch the Singapore series 'A Little Nyonya'. It's an excellent drama and it was partly filmed in the mansion that I visited.
The entrance taken through a window
The original occupants of the mansion
Delicate designs on each window in the mansion
Grand dining hall
A corner of the mansion
Elaborate (and heavy) jewelleries of the Nyonya
A cabinet full of beaded shoes
Intricate wardrobe of the Baba and Nyonya
Kebaya. The Nyonya's traditional costume
Bridal's chamber
The kitchen
I took about 200 pictures and it's impossible to upload all of them. You should visit Penang, Malaysia and check out this mansion yourself. It is simply breathtaking.
Anyway, the pictures below are taken in a Peranakan (aka Baba Nyonya) mansion in Penang. Don't know what is Peranakan and Baba Nyonya? Do google to find out if you are interested. If you are too lazy to read about it, maybe you can watch the Singapore series 'A Little Nyonya'. It's an excellent drama and it was partly filmed in the mansion that I visited.
I took about 200 pictures and it's impossible to upload all of them. You should visit Penang, Malaysia and check out this mansion yourself. It is simply breathtaking.
Before I 'Kick The Bucket'
I wanted to post an entry sooner because I can't wait to express my unexplainable feelings here but every time I am online, I had writer's block.
I started my week badly, had been quite 'emo' for the first few days of the week and I totally don't know why. Then I got a buffet treat at a nice hotel and I feel so much better after that. Yeah, I am a glutton, so what? Eating does help in de-stressing but trying to lose those extra pounds that you put on from binging is stressful. Very ironic huh?
I tried to figure out what causes the 'emo thingy' and guess that maybe because life has been too routine recently and I don't like it because I can't see the purpose of life from such routine. I don't see the meaning of life. I work 9 till 6pm for five days and during weekends, I go for a movie with friends and hang out, eat, watch television, then it's Monday again and the whole week repeats. Boring and meaningless right? Well, actually it's very subjective. Some people might say "Hey, you are lucky you get the weekend off. We have to work 24/7 and yet you are not grateful, blah, blah, blah." It really depends on individual. Some people are very contented to have a steady career that pays well and a good spouse with lovely children. Some people finds the meaning of life in money, money makes them happy and contented. Some people are very happy to have a food on the table daily.
Bear in mind I am very grateful with what I have but I want to do more with my life and contribute to the society (world). So I made up a list of things that I should do before I 'kick the bucket'. Some are not really relevant to the whole idea of 'purpose of life' but I find contentment in achieving them. Plus, some might even be childish but who cares, it's my life, my blog and my list. So here goes :-
1. Meet & talk, take picture with an international celebrity. It's unbelievable but I have actually spoken to American born Chinese singer/composer/producer Wang Lee Hom. He was in Malaysia for the filming of Lust Caution and I purposely took leave from work to stalk him. I stood under the blazing hot sun from 8am till 8pm and it was all worth it because I got to talk to him although it was very brief. However, I did not manage to take a photograph with him as the director strictly disallow cameras at the set. Next target, a western celebrity.
2. Take photo with a local celebrity. Chances of bumping into them are much higher. I was fortunate to bump into Nicol David (Malaysian No.1 squash player) at a shopping complex and she was really friendly. I also manage to get a snapshot with a local chinese singer at some mini concert. Compared to a cousin of mine who meet celebrities like meeting her friends, this is nothing. But hey, who says I am done with this? I am still hoping to bump into some cute local celebrities.
3. Go for bungee jumps, roller coaster rides and any other freaky rides that are not too dangerous. Am trying to achieve this. So far, I only tried flying fox and it's actually not as scary as I think. Am looking forward to bungee jump.
4. Appear in newspaper, magazine or television for the right reason. I have yet to achieve this.
5. Fall in love and cry over the break up. You might think I am crazy but it's an experience right? Plus normally first love does not work out well.
6. Dress up to the nines and go for fine dining at a really expensive restaurant. I might not feel full but the splurge is for the experience and ambiance.
7. Rear a pet, love it with all your heart and cry when they die. I have done this so many times and it hurts to see them die before your eyes, but I am still going to keep pets because I simply love animals (except reptiles and amphibians).
8. Visit at least one foreign country where the people speaks a different language and try their local delicacies The people of Thailand speaks in a language I don't understand, so yeah, achieved. However, I am hoping to visit a western country.
9. Contribute in charity organisations. Attending food fairs and donating money are not counted. What I mean is really lay your hands and help. Always say that I wanted to lend a hand but no actions taken yet. Bad!
10. Gamble and lose/win. Gambling is bad and this should be done only once. I have played black jack and won a little. So I should stop there. I have bought lotteries but was never lucky. So I should stop.
11. Smile and have a nice chat with a stranger and feels good about it. Quite dangerous but achievable. Just have to be wise in choosing the stranger to talk to.
12. Read a good book and Watch a good movie. I love reading and book fairs always make my day. I am also fortunate to be born in this century where there are many great directors and actors which produce great movies.
13. Join a contest, one with popular sponsors and grand prizes. Am working on it.
The list is still counting and it will be updated from time to time....
I started my week badly, had been quite 'emo' for the first few days of the week and I totally don't know why. Then I got a buffet treat at a nice hotel and I feel so much better after that. Yeah, I am a glutton, so what? Eating does help in de-stressing but trying to lose those extra pounds that you put on from binging is stressful. Very ironic huh?
I tried to figure out what causes the 'emo thingy' and guess that maybe because life has been too routine recently and I don't like it because I can't see the purpose of life from such routine. I don't see the meaning of life. I work 9 till 6pm for five days and during weekends, I go for a movie with friends and hang out, eat, watch television, then it's Monday again and the whole week repeats. Boring and meaningless right? Well, actually it's very subjective. Some people might say "Hey, you are lucky you get the weekend off. We have to work 24/7 and yet you are not grateful, blah, blah, blah." It really depends on individual. Some people are very contented to have a steady career that pays well and a good spouse with lovely children. Some people finds the meaning of life in money, money makes them happy and contented. Some people are very happy to have a food on the table daily.
Bear in mind I am very grateful with what I have but I want to do more with my life and contribute to the society (world). So I made up a list of things that I should do before I 'kick the bucket'. Some are not really relevant to the whole idea of 'purpose of life' but I find contentment in achieving them. Plus, some might even be childish but who cares, it's my life, my blog and my list. So here goes :-
1. Meet & talk, take picture with an international celebrity. It's unbelievable but I have actually spoken to American born Chinese singer/composer/producer Wang Lee Hom. He was in Malaysia for the filming of Lust Caution and I purposely took leave from work to stalk him. I stood under the blazing hot sun from 8am till 8pm and it was all worth it because I got to talk to him although it was very brief. However, I did not manage to take a photograph with him as the director strictly disallow cameras at the set. Next target, a western celebrity.
2. Take photo with a local celebrity. Chances of bumping into them are much higher. I was fortunate to bump into Nicol David (Malaysian No.1 squash player) at a shopping complex and she was really friendly. I also manage to get a snapshot with a local chinese singer at some mini concert. Compared to a cousin of mine who meet celebrities like meeting her friends, this is nothing. But hey, who says I am done with this? I am still hoping to bump into some cute local celebrities.
3. Go for bungee jumps, roller coaster rides and any other freaky rides that are not too dangerous. Am trying to achieve this. So far, I only tried flying fox and it's actually not as scary as I think. Am looking forward to bungee jump.
4. Appear in newspaper, magazine or television for the right reason. I have yet to achieve this.
5. Fall in love and cry over the break up. You might think I am crazy but it's an experience right? Plus normally first love does not work out well.
6. Dress up to the nines and go for fine dining at a really expensive restaurant. I might not feel full but the splurge is for the experience and ambiance.
7. Rear a pet, love it with all your heart and cry when they die. I have done this so many times and it hurts to see them die before your eyes, but I am still going to keep pets because I simply love animals (except reptiles and amphibians).
8. Visit at least one foreign country where the people speaks a different language and try their local delicacies The people of Thailand speaks in a language I don't understand, so yeah, achieved. However, I am hoping to visit a western country.
9. Contribute in charity organisations. Attending food fairs and donating money are not counted. What I mean is really lay your hands and help. Always say that I wanted to lend a hand but no actions taken yet. Bad!
10. Gamble and lose/win. Gambling is bad and this should be done only once. I have played black jack and won a little. So I should stop there. I have bought lotteries but was never lucky. So I should stop.
11. Smile and have a nice chat with a stranger and feels good about it. Quite dangerous but achievable. Just have to be wise in choosing the stranger to talk to.
12. Read a good book and Watch a good movie. I love reading and book fairs always make my day. I am also fortunate to be born in this century where there are many great directors and actors which produce great movies.
13. Join a contest, one with popular sponsors and grand prizes. Am working on it.
The list is still counting and it will be updated from time to time....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Last week.....
The title says it all, I always post outdated stuff but I really don't have the time to post an entry. So here goes my entry on what happened last week.
Last Saturday around this time, I had pizza at home because it was raining cats and dogs and it's very troublesome to dine out. Plus, my family did not want to miss the Earth Hour (so proud of them to be so supportive of this event). Anyway, at 8.30pm sharp, my house black-out. We not only switched-off our lights, televisions and computers as well as fans and air-conditioners were all switched-off. My family hung out at the balcony for fresh air and some lighting from the street lights. We did not lit any candles because carbon-monoxide from the candles are bad for the environment too (that's what we think). We played poker cards under the moonlight and street lights while sipping chinese tea. Even though it's dark and hot but time flies when you are with your loved ones. Before we knew it, it was already 9.30pm and we switched-on our lights again. My family suggest that we do it every month and I think it's a great idea.
View of a 'black-out' Penang from my balcony
On the morning of the same day, my family and I took a drive down south to Taiping, Perak for the Tomb Sweeping Festival. It is a practice by the Taoist / Buddhist in memory of their ancestors on the 4th or 5th of April annually. The 'tomb sweeping' can be done ten days before or ten days after the actual date. My family decided to do it a week earlier to avoid 'traffic congestion' at the graveyard. Offerings made from papers like hell money, clothes, shoes etc were burnt for the departed. The departed will also get to 'savour' an assortment of their favourite food during this festival.
Want a cigarette?
You don't smoke? What about a can of beer?
From far, the cigarette boxes and beer cans look so real but actually the are made of papers! Lets check out what else my family bought for my departed ancestors :-
Toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and soap....
Watch, spectacles and a pen.....
Plus some clothes, a pair of slipper and a wallet all kept inside this box.
I had fun burning the box and hell money because I love playing with fire. But it was really ironic because I am so supportive of Earth Hour (which took place on the night of the same day) and there I was, contributing to air pollution. Some people might find this whole practice supersitious and a waste of money but it is a tradition in the chinese family.
Last Saturday around this time, I had pizza at home because it was raining cats and dogs and it's very troublesome to dine out. Plus, my family did not want to miss the Earth Hour (so proud of them to be so supportive of this event). Anyway, at 8.30pm sharp, my house black-out. We not only switched-off our lights, televisions and computers as well as fans and air-conditioners were all switched-off. My family hung out at the balcony for fresh air and some lighting from the street lights. We did not lit any candles because carbon-monoxide from the candles are bad for the environment too (that's what we think). We played poker cards under the moonlight and street lights while sipping chinese tea. Even though it's dark and hot but time flies when you are with your loved ones. Before we knew it, it was already 9.30pm and we switched-on our lights again. My family suggest that we do it every month and I think it's a great idea.
On the morning of the same day, my family and I took a drive down south to Taiping, Perak for the Tomb Sweeping Festival. It is a practice by the Taoist / Buddhist in memory of their ancestors on the 4th or 5th of April annually. The 'tomb sweeping' can be done ten days before or ten days after the actual date. My family decided to do it a week earlier to avoid 'traffic congestion' at the graveyard. Offerings made from papers like hell money, clothes, shoes etc were burnt for the departed. The departed will also get to 'savour' an assortment of their favourite food during this festival.
From far, the cigarette boxes and beer cans look so real but actually the are made of papers! Lets check out what else my family bought for my departed ancestors :-
I had fun burning the box and hell money because I love playing with fire. But it was really ironic because I am so supportive of Earth Hour (which took place on the night of the same day) and there I was, contributing to air pollution. Some people might find this whole practice supersitious and a waste of money but it is a tradition in the chinese family.
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