The above leads me to feeling happy, which is the only emotion I feel nowadays. Why? Well, I choose to be happy, it's as simple as that....really! Don't believe? Lets get a bit deeper into my life :
1. I have a stress-free job that pays okay money and I do not have to clock in extra hours at work. Did I also mention that all meals are provided by the company?
2. I do not have a very high tertiary education but I am grateful to land a job that pays okay. Besides that, I feel rich in knowledge of mannerism and humanity.
3. I have great family members. I still have both parents alive, not to mention both my grandmothers too, and also my brother. As for the extended family members, we are not very closely-knitted but we are all on good terms and when we do get together, it's always a joyous affair.
4. I have small eyes, flat nose and lots of baby fats despite my age. At this point, many of you will go, "What?? You are happy with that?" Well, yes and no! I used to not like my features because doe-eyed girls with small pointy nose usually get more attention, and don't even get me started on those flabby flesh. But then again, I have also seen many girls with my features that are pretty and even manage to land hot caucasian husband. As for those extra pounds, lots of exercise and healthy living is the way to get rid of them. At least, every part of my body is original (I despise plastic surgery for beauty), so what's the reason to be unhappy about?
5. I manage to stay out of gossips or participate in any form of gossips. Honestly, human revolve around gossip and to be able to stay out of this orbit is a really difficult task though not impossible.
6. I have friends and colleagues who love me for who I am.
7. I have a comfortable home to live in, sufficient money to spend on leisure activities and for donation, am living in a country where although the political grounds are a bit messy, at least it's a natural disaster-free area and I have my dog whom I really love.
Aren't all this sufficient? Well, I still desire to own a house, to have a better-paying job and to land a good husband. But I believe all this things will happen eventually. I should live in the present moment and enjoy it, tomorrow is after all a mystery.
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