1. Had a great and meaningful dinner with my family. It was no special occasion, just a random dine-out night but we all had a good time indulging in those sinful food and engaging in conversations

2. Was selected to stay overnight at my workplace (which is a hotel) for stocktake assignments. Free hotel stay - yay! No overtime claim - boo! Fun, new learning experience - yay! Am seleceted because I am single (those married with kids are excused from this assignment - boo. Had fun during the stock count because manage to meet many colleagues from other departments - yay! Had gossip queen as roommate - double boo!

3. Got half day leave the next day because my stocktake assignment begins at twelve midnight. Due to some logistic issues, I went home during lunch by bus instead of by car. It had been years since I last went on a bus ride. Penang bus sytem has been upgraded and the experience was not disappointing at all (if not for the heavy downpour which drench me wet). I actually felt a great sense of achievement when I reach home safely....call me pampered and spoilt....

4. Felt really proud of my parents. Am really grateful to have supportive, open-minded and friendly parents. For the past month, I had been busy accompanying a very dear friend of mine on apartment shopping and when she found the right one, we proceed to furniture shopping. I am very glad that my mummy and daddy offered to help and gave many useful advice on this matter.
5. Many events were held in conjunction with the french festival. I missed most of them but manage to go for the puppet show and classical guitar performance held at Khoo Kongsi. The performance was not really good (or perhaps I am not artsy enough to appreciate them).

That's May at a glance. Hopefully June will be filled with more interesting and fun-filled activities.