The sleeping Buddha is one of the many places of interest that put Penang on the international map. Being a Penangite, it is a shame that I have not truly visited this temple and appreciate why does this temple attracts buses after buses of tourist daily. In conjunction with Wesak day, I decided to pay the sleeping Buddha a visit :

Burmese Buddhist Temple
I frequent this temple on Sundays although I am not a staunch buddhist. I find peace and feel comfortable in the building. For wesak this year, I decided to elbow my way through the strong crowd to light a candle for world peace. Normally, wesak day for me means an off day where I don't have to work nor study, and I will usually end up hanging out with friends. Maybe age is catching up and it's time to begin getting in touch with the religious side of me....

The Golden Pagoda Bell Tower was newly built and was launched during the weekend prior to wesak day. It is a three story building and an elevator was built to facilitate the welfare of older or disabled devotees. Each tile on the rooftop of the bell tower was sponsored by the temple-goers and well-wishers.

The ground floor is filled with marble sculptures of Buddhist monuments from around the world.

Intricate designs lining the wall and tiles

Life-size statues of deities fill the second and third floor of the pagoda bell tower

View of Penang from the top of the tower

Bird's eye view of the Burmese temple

Blessing water and bands as souveniers for devotees who seek blessings from the monks

That wraps up my temple tour!
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