It's already year 2010. How time flies, it just seems like yesterday we were all excited and some afraid of the millennium 2000 and today, a decade has past since then.
(Distraction! An insect just flew past me and I am very scared of insects so I killed it. Looking at its black dead body on the floor, I feel pretty guilty now. It does me no harm...yet...but what if it suddenly stings me or my dog or anyone else?)Year 2010 is suppose to be my year because it's my Chinese zodiac year, the year of the tiger and also because my birthday is on October 10, so this year my birthday will be on 10-10-10. Yay!
Anyway, when we ring out the old year and ring in the new, it's time for people to make new year resolutions. For me, I am re-newing my resolutions brought forward from last year. I wonder do people really keep their resolutions because I certainly failed to do so.
Lets make a list of my resolutions for year 2010, be it carried forward or newly made :
1. Eat healthily, exercise more ~ last year, I simply said lose weight but I think the ideal way to staying slim is to eat right and sweat more.
2. Gain more knowledge ~ last year, I resolute to get a degree and learn a foreign language. This time around, I won't limit myself to a certain field or language. Bring it on, be it learning how to slaughter a chicken or how to survive in a jungle.
3. Stay positive and motivated at all time ~ I fare quite well in keeping this resolution and will continue making it my resolution for years to come.
4. Travel to at least one country besides Singapore and Thailand ~ am making it my goal to visit Hong Kong before my birthday.
5. To do good and be good ~ to not let work/career be a priority in my life. Human beings and my surrounding are much more important than those documents piling up on my table. To sincerely help people in need or simply lend a listening ear.
6. Prove that people do keep their resolutions ~ will not force myself but will discipline myself and make it a habit to walk my talk.

A random snapshot of dad's bonsai.