The event my mum and I attended was a worldwide event where people, irrespective of race and skin colours gather at different places (Tzu Chi centres) to pray for world peace. I was not really keen to go because I am not oh-so-religious-and-holy. Anyway, being a filial daughter, I accompanied mum.
The gathering I went to was held at PISA (Penang International Sports Arena). There are 1,108 non-professionally-trained performers (but their performances are flawless). The turnout was overwhelming, the arena was full except for about four rows.
The lighting and sound systems were very good and I was pretty impressed by the various human formations. There were live testimonials of Tsunami survivors, Myanmar flood victims and many others. Majority of the crowd was tearing during this segment. Before the evening wraps up, all the lighting were switched off and the arena was pitch-black. Each performer, crew and audience lighted a candle in unison with one objective, to promote and practice world peace.
I did not regret one bit attending that event. It was not so religious after all, but more of creating awareness that there are many people suffering around us. We should be grateful for what we have and help the less fortunate whether in monetary or non-monetary form. And one thing for sure, Tzu Chi has been practising 1Malaysia, 1Nation, 1World a long time ago because they really do help people irrespective of race, religion and skin colour.

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