My family discovered a sea-view dim sum restaurant. My dad being a dim sum lover decided to check out the place.

The colour theme of the restaurant is black and white :

During the month of January, I ordered 30 chicken pies in total on two separate occasions. The pies are home-made, very tasty and reasonably priced. I had to place the order two weeks before getting to savour them.

Have you seen this before?

It is vermicelli noodles in red paste soup. It is a 'Foo Chow' clan delicacy. Many dare not try it because of its red-based soup. I personally find it tasty depsite the shocking colour.

As i have mentioned earlier, I am really stress out from work and I was really glad to receive this gift. Chocolates never fail to cheer people up.

Besides work, my weekends are pretty occupied with cookies baking in preparation for the chinese lunar new year.

Do expect an entry on my cookies baking in about a fortnight time. Till then, here is Mich signing off.
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