I was so glad that one fine morning when I was 24 years old, I just decided to walk out of my comfort zone, to leave the secured life that I am living and take the road less taken.
I don't want to secure a nine to five job, save money and then get married and have babies. Life is definitely more than this 'typical' life. I don't want to just tell my grandchildren that I am a graduate which secures a managerial position in a reputable company.
I want to tell them about the colourful life I lead when I was young.
I want to join a beauty pageant, winning is not important at all. I want to participate in a state level marathon, and again winning is not important.
I want to work in a profession that will not employ me once I am not a youth anymore (eg : cabin crew). I want to publish a book, whether it will be a best-seller or not is not important.
I want to be really present at the crisis-affected venue to help the victims and not just to do charity by donating money.
I want to let my curiosity lead me to do things (abide by law) that I will look back when I am at my death bed and say, I totally have no regrets living life this way because I have experienced the many sides of life.

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