Cough! Cough, cough! This place is so dusty and full of cobwebs.......Yup, it had been ages since I last post an entry. Had been too busy leading a routine life. Learning to enjoy work (which comes with free lunch) and trying to get to terms that it is okay to be idle and lazy after working hours (ie. it is okay to learn and do nothing useful).
The following is an out-dated but meaningful event. It was a gathering of Beethovens and Yanni and Kenny G. Students from a music school as well as talents from around Asia and Australia took us on a musical journey with their saxophone, piano, guitar, drum and vocals. The event was in aid of a down syndrome home and the school for the visually impaired. Many among the audience were teary-eyed when the children from the home performed a number.

Performance by the special children.

The place where cello, violin, organ, piano and drum meet.
The star for the evening - Melanie Maslin. She is renowned opera singer from Australia. Melanie gives opera a new twist with her unconvetional voice and very theatrical expressions and body language.

She performed an Italian and knowing that members of the audience do not understand that language, she selected two audience to express the meaning of the song with her. It was a humorous and entertaining performance.

Marlene Fox belting out her mandarin number. She never fails to please the audience with her accurate rendition of the chinese lyrics.

The three awesome talents performing together.

The youth from a musical school performing the inspiring 'Don't Stop Believing' from the Glee series.

I was swept of my feet by this performer. He is young, gorgeous-looking, sings well, and he is also a teacher of the music school. Simply charming!

Multi-talented children strutting their stuff. How I wish I could play just one of the instruments.

Am not too sure where are they from, was not paying attention to the mc because was still star-struck by the charming fella earlier. This group belt superb music. The girl with the saxophone gives Kenny G a run for his money. She gets the crowd including those serious-looking gentlemen tapping their feet to her tunes.

Moses Chuah and Son. The name of the band says it all. Father and sons, famous performers for wedding dinners.

De Leon Family. Also a father and son team, the only difference is the sons are much younger and the little brother has a name in the Malaysia Guinness Book Of Record for being the youngest 8th grade drummer. Wow! Did I mention that the family is pretty humble too?

All performers for the night up on stage for the finale jamming session.
For once, pictures do not paint a thousand words. It is a night where all you need to be is to listen and you will leave the ballroom loving Jazz even more. Music is life!
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