My maternal aunties are currently trying to cope with their teenage daughters' puppy love life. They consulted my mum for some advice since my mum has already gone through that phase, or so they thought. Sadly, my mum could not comment much because her daughter did not face any 'boyfriend' problems during her teens. In her early twenties, her daughter still did not share with her any boyfriend stories, therefore she is an inexperienced mother in this topic.
I wonder whether is it normal for my mum's daughter to have never dated any guys although she is already at the right age. Neither she hates guys, nor is she a lesbian. So why? She is a little fleshy but certainly not ugly. Mum and the rest of the family members are quite worried that she has never hold a guy's hand or kiss. Some of her friends have left single-ville and head for the nuptial, even she herself is a little worried that she might end up alone on a rocking chair with a tonne of cats, all alone in a big house. Okay, I exaggerate, worry but not until that extend.
So maybe we should ask my mum's daughter all about it. She never think of guys back in high school because she believes her soul mate is some where out there but it's not time for them to meet yet. She did have puppy crushes on a few of her extra-curriculum activity mates but they are just passing moments. Then at college, there are a couple of stalkers, I mean pursuers but they are just not her cup of tea. She was quite attracted to another college guy but as they get to know each other, she found out that they do not click that well after all.
In the past year, she had a very strong crush on this guy but he is already seeing someone else. As a non-bitch, she resist herself from being a boyfriend snatcher although they keep in touch and flirt a lot through text messaging. She was enjoying a platonic friendship with him until recently, during a gathering, she caught him starring at her. She can feel that the guy is attracted to her (or maybe her judgement is wrong since she is inexperience with guys). She battled against her feelings for weeks to stop falling for this guy again.
Up until today, she is still battling the feeling which she thinks is love but is not sure. Today, she received a message on facebbok from a caucasian stranger. He is interested in pursuing her and she is pretty flattered. She always has the hots for caucasians but will not proceed further, not because she is afraid it might be a scam but because the stranger is a widower as old as her dad.
For the time being, she is enjoying life in single-ville. She has faith that Mr. Right is somewhere out there but it's just not the time for them to meet yet.

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