The ticketing booth was decorated in a nice shade of pink. There were banners on the pink ribbon (which symbolises support towards fighting against breast cancer) and there were badges and t-shirts all bearing the same pink logo. Soon, I realise that this charity concert is in aid of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia. And now the title of the event makes sense. Love Alive = With love, we are alive. It is meaningless to live in a world without love.

The concert was the brainchild of the Penang Rotaract Club (youth get together to do charity here) and was supported by Alliance Francais Penang (if you want to learn french, this is the place to go to) and G Hotel (one of the classiest boutique hotel in Penang).
When we reached the G Hotel, we were being served cocktails and the doors open at 7pm sharp. We were really lucky to be seated strategically in the middle about the 6th row from the stage. Soon, the guest of honour arrived punctually and he gave an astounding speech. One of the phrase he said which I find really meaningful was, "When we were young, we spend our life earning money. And when we are old, we spend our money trying to earn back our healthy life." It is so common in todays world for people to chase after material possessions that we have neglected our loved ones and most importantly neglected our health. And as we grow older, we start to treasure life, which might be a little too late for some. So true indeed.

The main reason I decided to attend this concert was because of two performers. They are 'The De Leon Jazz Experience' and 'Moses & Sons'. Both band consist of the father and his two sons.
Moses & Sons started the ball-rolling by playing 3 jazz numbers. Moses was on the keyboard while his two sons worked the electric guitar and drum respectively. Moses also showcased his vocal prowess by belting out two Michael Buble number. It was simply awesome.

Next up was Ronald De Leon and his two young sons. notice that I said young sons? Well, his eldest son is only twelve years old and the younger one is only ten years old. Despite their young age, they have carved their name for being the youngest 8th-grade saxophonist and the youngest 8th-grade drummer respectively. Besides playing the keyboard, saxophone and drum, they also play the guitar, trumpet and violet very well. What a true blue family of musicians.

After both families performed, they went on stage for a collaboration and it was nice to see such talented people performing superb musics.

The audience could never get enough of the jazz music but the two family bands have got to make way for other performances. Next up was a line dance performance breast cancer survivors beautifully clad in baju kebaya.

The night ended with a bang by Dasha Logan. She is the daughter of one of the members of 'Alley Cats'. She may be a petite teenager but she has great vocal prowess like an experienced singer. She also has on-stage charisma and I am sure she can go far without any helping hands from her famous father.

It was a fantastic night of music and talents. I wish that it would not end so soon but everything that begins will definitely end, but one thing for sure was I went home with a lot more love to spread and share with the world. Love Alive!
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