Anyway, I attended the event because me, being an ex-celebrity-stalker was excited when I found out that former child star Fung Po Po and news anchor Owen Yap (which is an eye candy) will be at the event as a special guest and emcee for the night respectively.
We were seated quite far away from the stage because we bought the cheapest ticket. So please pardon my bad quality photos.

About 80 doctors took time off from their busy schedule and performed for the evening. It was really nice to see the doctors working hands in hands for the name of charity regardless of which hospital they are from. There are many performances, mostly singing and I shall only highlight the interesting ones in this entry.
The night kick-start with a dance number, which I feel did not leave a lasting impact as an opening item. But the emcees, Owen Yap and Yen Husin saved the night with their quick-witted and humorous lines.

Then there was the sexy belly dancing performance led by this event organising chairman. The crowd went wild at this point and wanted more but they have to make way for the other performances.

Next up was the 'Half past six doctors'. They came up with this name because a part of each members in the quartet's name means Dr. Quack, Dr. Crazy and Dr. Killer. Despite their names, they belted amazing songs. I don't mind sitting though a few more numbers performed by them. They are one of my favourite performers for the night.

Then it was the rendition of the song L.O.V.E. and the singer was so good that it felt like he was holding his own solo concert. After that, a young and gorgeous doctor took centre stage to render 'Music of the night' from the movie Phantom of the opera. I was totally mesmerized by him (and his good looks) and had a crush on him soon after.
Then there were more singings after that but I was really distracted. 'Music of the night' was still playing in my head and I regret for not taking any photographs of him during his performance.

After all those singings, the event chairperson and my 'phantom' took the stage with their waltz move. It was really impressive and that concludes the first half of the night.

After a fifteen minutes interval, the officials and sponsors went on stage for a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Then, the LSC Pacemaker rendered a medley of songs before making way for the youngsters from the Temple of Fine Arts to perform a sitar ensemble. Sitar if a guitar-like instrument and the melody produced is quite a novelty.

Next was the performance by an invited guest-doctor from Melbourne. He travels around the world to educate young medical students and performed two self-composed songs, one about skin and the other about hand. Many people did not appreciate his performance because they feel that it is not a proper song but I find the lyrics really catchy and cute.

Then, there was a latin dance performance and after that, my phantom took centre stage with a group of professional dancers to perform tango. At that point, I wish that I was his dancing partner.

Then, a group of doctors-to-be (medical students) did a near-perfect cross-over dance routine of street jazz and k-pop.

The night ended with all the performers singing to the tunes of 'Heal the world' and 'We are the world'. It was overall a fantastic night and we get to see the other side of the usually serious doctors. For one night only they drop their stethoscopes for microphones and dancing shoes.

If you notice from the pictures, the stage lightings was breathtaking thanks to the great stage producer Joe Sidek. He is seen below with Fung Po Po. And for those Fung Po Po fans out there, this two pictures of her is for you.

PS : I regret not grabbing the opportunity to get a snapshot with Owen Yap. I was literally brushing shoulders with him because I went to the front of the stage after the finale to get a clear snapshot of Fung Po Po. I could have just ask him for a picture and I am sure he would oblige. Regret!
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