Then there are those friends and colleagues, always trying to 'recruit' you to their team in the invisible popularity race. Not to forget the country, with so many political parties trying to fish for your votes.
In the recent weeks, I became really sick of all this taking sides stuff. Can't people just stay neutral? Wouldn't it be more peaceful if human are not required to take sides?
At the home front, when parents argue, the children are indirectly made to take sides. It is definitely impossible for the child to stay neutral and not dislike one of the parent more. Siblings likewise.
Then at work or school, when two of your friends go into a misunderstanding, you are made to listen to their gossip and to agree with them that the other party is indeed bitchy and stuff.
On the political front, we are brain-washed to bad-mouth the other parties.
This are all human nature. Although I strongly disagree with this behaviour, there is no denial that it is part of the human character. However it is not the people that encourage sides-taking that suffers. The people whom are made to take sides suffer more. Why?
Well, I for example do not agree with taking sides because to me, both parties are not in the wrong, it's merely a big misunderstanding. At the end of day, when you are at your death bed, does all these really matters? I believe that everybody is born with a kind-heart. It's just that due to peer pressure and influence from the surrounding, one became mislead. Therefore, I befriend everyone and do not take sides.
But in the people-who-encourage-sides-taking opinion, they do not think that you are being neutral. When they gossip about the other party and you do not participate but merely listen, they think that you support the other party. When you talk and treat the other party nice, they assume you are on their side and instantly make you their enemy.
It is really a fine line between being neutral and being a two-headed snake. People constantly misunderstand you as the latter. But being a librain, I will continue my journey being the former because I find happiness by doing that.

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