A will is a lawful compilation of how the deceased wants to distribute her wealth. Very often, the deceased leaves their loved ones with a will and only memories. How nice will it be if the deceased leaves a final letter for each and every one of the people who cares and who misses her deeply after her departure.
I decided to pen my feelings in the final letters to my loved ones today. I may only be in my mid-twenties and death seems so far and unreachable. However, nothing is impossible and life is full of suprises. The shocking collapse of the road outside my apartment proves that even just by sitting at home and doing nothing won't stop you from dying.
(Mind you, I am not insane, neither am I depressed nor attempting suicide. I am totally happy with my life, not 100% happy but happy enough to live life positively and appreciate my surroundings.)
Dear Mum,
You mean the most to me in this world and I hope I am the same to you. I would like to thank you for being the perfect mother, I will give whatever to have you as my mother again. My departure is very very sad for you but remember, nothing is permanent in life. What is important is that we have shared so many moments together as the bestest of friends. I might not be the best daughter, not being able to give you a worry-free and financially-independent life. If I can do it all over again, I will definitely study harder (smarter) and make you prouder. Mummy, stop shedding those tears. Keep your energy to carry on life positively because life really is short.
Dear Dad,
Out of the two siblings, I secretly think that you favour me more. We do not have so much common topics but I know you are there when I need a hair trim, or when I need someone to mend my broken heels or catch those disgusting bugs on my bed. these are all very fond memories of us and I cherish those simple moments. I know you might not take this whole 'disappearance' of me so well, but please be strong. Every living being has to leave the world some day. My day just happen to be earlier than yours. I would also want to apologise to you for all those hurtful misbehaviours, I knew I hurt you but now, I am much better at controlling my emotions and mood. Hopefully it's the same for you.
Dear Bro,
You are the bestest brother in the world. We might not agree on everything but we strangely, we do get along pretty well. Now, you are the main pillar of strength for parents. Do take good care of them (no matter how much you can't stand them). I don't know what to say to you because at this very point, so many wonderful memories of us having a good time together is flooding my mind. Bro, I know you always have a certain school of thought on life but whatever your philosophy may be, try to live life to the fullest because life certainly is short.
Dear Mama and Popo,
You two are the least-nastiest and easiest-to-handle old folks I have ever met. Mama, I know you love me very very much but please, do not cry anymore. You two might have the biggest impact on my passing because you will wonder why God takes me instead of the senior citizens. Well, God has plan for each of us. My route is just different but at least I have enjoyed so many years of being pampered by you two. Thank you so much for being the best nanny and supporter in my life. Do stay healthy and enjoy everyday of your life.
Dear Uncles, Aunties & Cousins,
We share a very close relationship when I was a child, and as time goes by, we start to drift apart. 8ut deep down in my heart, I know that you still care very much for me. Work and social lifes occupy us and make our chances of meeting lesser and lesser but whenever we gather, we are still very comfortable with each others company. Thank you for being such awesome relatives, family gatherings are always fun with you around. Please keep an eye on mummy, daddy, bro and of course grandma. I know that they especially need comfort and support at this period of time. Thank you for being the sweetest relatives.
Dear Friends,
Many of you walk in and out of my life. But for those few who stayed with me (you know who you are, we keep in touch till this very day), thank you for completing my life. I never knew what friends are for and what is the meaning of friendship until I meet you. Friendship is not about age, gender, the language we speak or the lifestyle we live, it's about how we care for each other. How we enjoy each other's company and being totally comfortable being our true self. You. My primary and secondary school friends, my college mates, my colleagues and all my friends, thank you making me not know what loneliness is.
I miss each and everyone of you dearly, and I truly mean it. Fond memories are meant to be remembered forever. Lets cherish the moments that we have spent together. And please, shed no tears. I love laughter and love, and I hope to see smiles on your face. Miss you and Love you. Hugs!